Who We Are Today
Together we work, we celebrate, we fight, we risk, we laugh, we study, we think, we have a new idea a week,
… and the doors of our farm are always open

I take care of communication, marketing and commercial relations in Northern Italy, I follow with passion all the new ideas to put them into practice and make them flourish, I continuously learn from nature and in the fields.
I have a Ph.D. in Economic Sociology and a specialization in Local Development, I worked as a researcher and consultant in Italy and abroad. Since 2004 I have been an activist in Amnesty International against all forms of discrimination and racism.

I take care of the agronomic phase in the olive and almond groves, the transformation and packaging of oil and almonds. I also deal with marketing and customer relations.
I am an agronomist and for my thesis, I analyzed the olive supply chain and the value chain, comparing the experience of two Protected Designations of Origin (DOP): "Terra di Bari" and "Priego de Cordoba" ( Spain).

I moved from Germany to Italy for love and Puglia is now my home. I deal with commercial relations with Germany and Austria, communication and marketing.
I am an expert in health and wellness promotion and education, and I also worked in Hamburg and London.

I coordinate all the phases of production in the fields, from planting the crops to harvesting. I have been working since 1974 in the agricultural sector, and before that, I also worked in the import, export, and marketing of fruit and vegetable products in Italy and abroad.

The workers' team
We are young agricultural workers of Minervino Murge, a small town in southern Italy, work in the fields is a passion for us, it's creation ... seeds, trees, newborn leaves, taking care of what you've created, finding solutions to manage the unpredictability of nature.

I help whenever needed in the warehouse with the packaging and shipping of our products. I am a kindergarten teacher, I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes in which oil and almonds are obviously the protagonists!